Month: February 2018

Learning Dvorak – Day 11

Dvorak is getting easier all the time. I hit 20wpm today, at least a couple times, but by the end of my practice I was back down to 14-15wpm. It gets harder toward the end of my practice and I find myself spacing out, even over keys I know well…

Cersei Gets a Do-Over

I love the time-travel fix-it stories in the ASOIAF fandom. Usually, it’s Sansa who gets to go back in time and try to save the world, sometimes Jon, occasionally Arya… My favorite so far is one that featured Theon instead as our do-over hero. But lately I’ve been thinking a…

Learning Dvorak – Day 9

Three learning Dvorak lessons are done and loaded up online now: N & O keys T & E Keys S & A Keys The non-drills are starting to feel more like real words and phrases and I’m very happy to see that I can get up near 30 wpm. I’d…

Learning Dvorak – Day 8

Kind of an easy day today. I’m working on those lessons and trying to figure to figure out what order to introduce the letters. I’ve been practicing word list for those letter combinations to see how quickly I can progress from words to phrases or sentences. It’s been encouraging to…

Learning Dvorak – Day 7

I did a couple of pangram tests today. It takes me so long. I’m getting between 9 and 10 words a minute. I managed to do the last one at 12wpm. I know where all the keys are now. And that’s a good thing. My computer fell asleep while I…

Learning Dvorak – Day 6

I practiced some more pangrams today and got 11wpm on my last try. At this rate, I think I can hit 40wpm in a month. Not all that impressive. I was reading a couple posts from people who have tried this before me. Based on their experiences I’m guessing the…

Learning Dvorak – Day 5

I decided to try something different today and see how other people are teaching the Dvorak keyboard. Would some letter drills designed for Dvorak help me get faster? Dvorak Keyboard Training This site says, don’t do letter drills. Fine, I wasn’t. I still feel lost and their very first drill…

Learning Dvorak – Day 4

I skipped the review today and finished all the letter lessons. It feels good to know where all the letters are, but my wpm is only 10. And typing with Dvorak hurts my head. I have to concentrate really hard. It’s like holding a door open in my brain. Don’t…

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